Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Email from Ross. Will get this up as fast as I can so it's visible over lunchtime:

How do I post a reply -- doesn't seem to allow me to.
I wanted to say, by way of reply to your blog today:
...actually a rather atypical point in the afternoon which had otherwise been far from tidily thought through! My methodology in this workshop (for such it is, rather than a masterclass) is a bit like one of Ronnie Corbett's monologues (there's one for the international students!)
I'm using a prolonged and practical dramaturgical interrogation of the sound-text of L'Intruse by Maeterlinck as Ronnie might have used one of his shaggy-dog stories: as the spine, for a series of digressions into some of the philosophical conundrums and perceptual paradoxes of aurality. As a practitioner currently in a phase of reflecting on and thinking about his former practice this is actually rather a 'selfish' exercise, you'll be pleased to hear. I'm enjoying the opportunity of sounding out and discussing some things I have spent a couple of years writing and thinking about in preparing my forthcoming book on the subject.


  1. Really enjoying Ross' workshop - wishing for more input/ reactions/ ideas from other students. Perhaps this is a cultural difference - is it innappropriate in the UK to chime in wihtout being called on?

  2. Thanks for the comment. In a workshop of this kind it would certainly be appropriate to chip in - I guess taking a lead from the workshop leader. But of course it's an international group of people (not particularly a U.K. group) and I would guess there may be a feeling of everyone feeling their way. But finally, we'll make the rules, as a group, and establish the protocols. That's one of the exciting things about it. Let's find ways of trying to ensure there's a good even-handed level of contribution. A bit like a theatre-making company?
