Sunday, 29 November 2009

Went to see 'Present Attempt’s' new work yesterday - Networks 2.0-Walking (s)miles – starting at Stoke Newington International Airport. Interesting new venue (to me). Noticed they were appearing in good company too – 'Action Hero' playing later in the evening.
Networks 2.0- Walking (s)miles is a one hour walk in which each member of the audience attempts to elicit as many smiles from complete strangers as possible. The walk is preceded by a photograph of each individual audience member (not smiling and smiling) and a general briefing on how to proceed.
It was enjoyable. At least it was enjoyable some of the time – when not sinking into moody depression. These mood swings were of course linked to the endevour – some success, a couple of smiles, you were on a high; a couple of rejections and you were wanting to go home.
Through this task, as an audience member, I gained considerable insights. Positioned as a kind of desperate outsider, looking for approval, the world is a different and rather difficult place.  As an audience, we experienced a great many transactions of many different kinds. It was noted that where merchandise was involved – walking into a shop for example – smiles were more readily acquired. Another sly walker took to admiring babies in their prams – another sure fire winner where their mothers were concerned.
It was great to be out and about on the streets of Stoke Newington, with a secret mission, making new friends, and generally startling the inhabitants. Each smile returned was marked by sending a text back to headquarters - where two members of the group were keeping elaborate charts and records, shown to the walkers on their return, with the group's usual blend of charm and serious concern.

A good example of contemporary practice - making work in and of the world around us, and heightening our experience of it in new ways.  In terms of finding new links between people - making new connections - the work links with Present Attempt's earlier work Networks 1.0, an inspiring odyssey through the UK climaxing in a 2.0 am visit to the Forest Fringe at the Edinburgh Festival, recorded below.

Networks 2.0- Walking (s)miles travels to Manchester next weekend.
Meanwhile, since returning from Canada on Thursday, have managed to catch up with Tom Espiner's Sound&Fury workshop in the Top Floor Performance Studio in the Top Floor Performance Studio at Central, ans see something of the work which is going on.

The room has the slightly chaotic feel of work in the early stages of rehearsal as Tom explores some early ideas for a new show in a brilliantly open and inclusive way.  The image above is a moving swirling one, created by a group working with some basic materials and light to create an image of the evolving universe. More about this will follow I feel sure. 

1 comment:

  1. Subject: Corrupción política y el "BBC. Xornal Express." "Gerry Pederásta y Pedófilo Caso Maddie"

    Corrupción política y el "BBC. Xornal Express." "Gerry Pederásta y Pedófilo Caso Maddie"

    MCcann pederasta y pedófilo

    BBC Expresss. Xornal .Mas Reménber... ladrones y mentirosos beneficios estan sacando con Reménber y compañia periodista independiente él angel de la muerte portavoz de los Mccann que ya a sacado millones de euros de esta hístoria y mucho beneficio para el periodico del BBC Expréss Xornal por ver esta realidad de violación y asesinato en primer grado y parecer una difamacion por que os parece el euro en primer plano.aqui hay mucho tomate con este Reménber Sacando fotos comicas para buscar de inocentes y desgraciados culpables. Nos a salido ranas Remenber y su tropa de periodistas corruptos diario y dirección que están comprados Por los MCcann tendrian que obserbar las cuentas del director y sus degenerados desde luego apoyos no les faltan que dejen la comedia y de engañar al mundo Euros euros euros es le dilema de la comedia...
    Corrupción política del perú -Gerry- Pederásta y Pedófilo Caso Maddie

    "Poesia o verso de dicado a los MCcann y sus secuaces"

    El Fraude, Moneda Nacional
    En el pais de no me acueeeerdo ,
    doy tres pasitos y me pieeeeerdo
    se me cae, un billete y lo levanta el juez,
    “uy perdon” le digo y contesta “No importa, pase Ud.”
    Un campeonato ganado,
    otro arbritro comprado,
    Un cura que reclama ” Felices los niños”
    .. que yo abuse
    Y clarin siempre diciendo , La pura Verdad,
    que el presidente de turno quiere escuchar
    Compren, compren, se venden libertades,
    se venden al por mayor , abogados corruptos y fiscales tambien
    seis tiros en la cabeza que el dinero no pudo ocultar
    hay silencios que son muy caros pero mas caro es el hablar,
    algun medio pagara, esta excusiva de verdad
    Habilitamos lo que sea por un cafe y algo mas,
    digame lo que necesita, cualquier cosa se consigue
    el diego, lo podemos conversar
    Y hablando de Diego, pobre muchacho
    que fraude le hicieron, se parece al electoral ,
    por un punto mas de raiting una bebe queda sin hogar ,
    es que la TV es tirana y del Monstruo mejor ni hablar
    Ya para ir dejando el Verso que es moneda nacional,y los medios informatiiiiic.....voooooos...que no parán de tapár y
    sí para nosotros ya tenemos a telefonica que nos mándaaa a reeecargáaáár,aqui todo el múndo a robár, con el mónstruo de góóógle que nos manipulaaaaaaaa
    para que nos tápeeeen la voca con sus masters dirigiiiiiendonos sí débemos estár, para que luego llegue él més y a paaaaagar a todos el fraude la moneda nacional ....con el control de google tódos estámos yáááá y los tontos alimééééntar....?quiéééén nóóós quééééda yáááá¿...Todos los deréchos nós lós están violándo.........Y los Mccann ríéndos están...
