Thursday, 17 March 2011

Visit of Tim Crouch and Second Showing of Monkey Tomorrow

Visit of Tim Crouch
What point from Tim's presentation stood out for you most?

Second Showing of Monkey Tomorrow
What are the main changes Monkey Tomorrow have made since last week?


  1. Really inspiring talk by Tim Crouch!

    The work that excites me finds itself somewhere between the extremes he talked about ('the ones who pet themselves on the back on a Sunday' and 'the post-dramatics'), so in a way, to see someone who brilliantly plays in this in-between area was quite encouraging.

    Perhaps it would be good for the course, in future years, to expose/explore more of this 'mixed practice', for its direction so far has been, mostly, to one extreme (the 'post dramatic').


  2. It was indeed a very inspiring talk,

    Staging a thing and it's no-thing, a fiction next to the de-fiction and building a whole from that, I would say is particularly postmodern. Tim spoke of a post-narrative. I look it up and the first entry says "While the collapse of the grand narrative does have the potential to clarify much in the way of international relations, it has also been slow in coming to many parts of the world - including some that are already "developed." This random post signed as Eric looks like is referring particularly to the United States. But we could extend this to any form of liberal capitalism we experience in our daily life "If you see anything suspicious please call security". What is the story in that?

    To tell something as absolute and certain, well...we see everyday where that leads us humans. Instead Tim talks about a story told by and with someone who never heard the story before and points at us with a finger he describes as mutilated. This is a provocation, a provocation to your brain and to your senses, this opens a space for you to exist in your own and multiple, fragmented, plural, skeptical, kaleidoscopic and meaningless ways.

    We will continue to question our present and struggle in the misty uncertainty of events! Nevertheless I would say, there has been plenty of time and space dedicated to other points of view.

